Sunday, May 24, 2009

Graduation, back home . . .

I know, my first attempt at blogging did not go as well as I had hoped.  Life got a little hectic towards the end  . . .
I am now officially back at home in DC.  Trying to sort out through all of my learnings and experiences while I was away.  Amazing teachers (Sharonji, Davidji, Yogeswari, Lady Ruth and the Sutras, Manorma and Sanskrit, Kryota and Anatomy), mentors (Jeffrey, Jules, Maria, Kumiko), fellow TTers . . .  

It all came to an end Thursday.  We were fortunate to have our final open class taught by Jules and it was such an unbelievable class, we were all crying in the end.  Afterwards picutre time, graduation, and goodbyes.  I am so fortunate to have met so many inspiring jivamukti teachers, I can't wait to travel throughout the world and visit with them.

Now, finding my voice as a new Jivamukti teacher is next on my to do list . . .

back to life . . . back to reality . . .

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bhakti - The Yoga of Devotion

This weekend has been the long awaited Ecstatic Chant Weekend.  A time to belt out mantra at the top of your lungs (at least that's what I do) and dance your butt off (again, that's how I roll)!  It has been unbelievable to just close my eyes and soak in the bhav (the feeling of devotion) that fills the room, and then to chant, chant, chant.  Oh, and did I mention MC Yogi?!  Incredible!!  It has been such an incredible weekend thus far.  It will all come to an end in a little bit when I go and see Snatam Kaur.  I am sure she will break my heart and piece it back together for me all at once.  

This weekend also means that we have come to the half way point.  We are at the top of the hill and we're walking (or maybe running and tumbling down the hill).  It all began with a Chakra tuning class led by Sharon-Ji.  She promised us Samadhi (enlightenment) if we followed her instructions.   While some experienced intense emotional releases, I experience the calmness of my entire body pulsating.  When I finally came down to reality I was able to great dear sweet Jilly who is here visitng us for the weekend.  It's been so great to have her here, so great.  How she's inspired me and now to have her here to share in part of the experience . . . 

Well, it certainly is not a weekend full of just chant and dance.  Since it is the halfway point, that also means time for midterm!  It's Tuesday.  And yes I'm a bit freaked out but the way I see it is . . . I either know it or not . . . I just hope to know it!  

So on that note I leave to get some studying in before I go and listen to the beautiful Snatam Kaur.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love and Compassion

Unfortunately I will have to make this a quick entry . . .
The last couple of days have truly been amazing! Gazing up at my Gurus and really truly feeling that this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now, it is an incredible feeling!!

We've gotten through some pretty hefty subjects (Sanskrit, Pranayama, Philosophy . . .) and today we did our first In-Class Privates on each other. What an unbelievable feeling to be there for someone throughout their entire practice. The energy and the love is just incredible. Still have SO much work to do on my assists, but you've got to start somewhere right?

We've also watched some pretty hear-opening films. One was Flow (all about the business of water) and then last night we watched the Animal's Film (factory farming, vivisection). These two films (which I will tell you all about) really helped me bring it all back to my intention for why I'm here. As my mentor Jeffrey said, you may not want to watch what is on screen but let your heart break, only then can you start to feel compassion (paraphrased, sorry). I know I can't change the world overnight but I can do all that I can to get started! The time truly is NOW!!

More to come . . .
lots of love

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day Off

Today is our much needed day off!  Yesterday we spent 4 straight hours working on Standing poses.  How deep can you take Warrior 1, 2, 3, etc . . . with so many energetic and anatomical alignment points . . . deeper than I had ever imagined.  It's amazing how new knowledge can change even the most basic of poses (Tadasana).  So what is on the schedule for today (besides studying and practice teaching of course), a massage and some chanting with old and new friends.  This is the place to be!

I do have to tell you about the movie we watched last night, Witness.  It was this incredibly touching documentary about Eddie, a construction contractor who through humor and sincere honesty that he shared his the story of how he found his way to veganism and animal rights.  In his words, a "miracle: a change in perception."  Through the love of a kitten and his realization of our interconnectedness with all living beings, he has helped to shed light on the atrocities of the fur industry.  I don't remember the last time I ciried that much when watching a film.  For the most part I cried for all of the innocent beings whose lives have been taken in the name of fashion, but I also cried because his story was so touching.  I wished I could give him a hug.

This is just one of the many films that we will watch throughout the training that will deal with the same topic, spiritual activism, but more precisely, Animal Rights.  It is difficult for many of us, even those who have already bought-into the message, to sit and watch the graphic accounts of violence that occur on a daily basis.  But it is in those moments, when we stop and look that we really see.  It is through that awareness that we can begin to cultivate compassion.  

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” ~Mahatma Gandhi


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Days 1-4

Hello World! 
I know, it's been a while but boy, I had to adjust these first couple of days and really soak it all in!  (I am still and will continue to soak it all in to the very last drop!!)

First night I got to my dorm I made sure to hang up the amazing Shiva tapestry that Jill so gracesiouly presented to me to take to TT back before she left for San Francisco.  It hangs above my bed.  Shiva, the first yoga teacher per the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, I have so much to learn from you.  I also set up my altar with a new addition from Agi!  All set up, I am home . . . for now.

I have to admit, this is the first time in my life (that I can remember) where I am actively making a consious effort at not stressing out.  Don't get me wrong, I have my moments, but for the most part I am here, I am present, and I am enjoying every moment, every teaching.  I also feel so incredibly safe and nurtured.  The teachers, the people that I am sorrounded by on a daily basis.  The energy is unbelievable!! 

I have so much to share with everyone when I return (incluing some Shat Karma kriyas we have to do for the remainder of the training . . . and who knows, maybe for always .  . .).  Nothing like a tube up your nose (ah, Sutra Neti)!  We finished up 3 days of anatomy yesterday.  I would share more but well, anatomy goes over my head . . . needs more time to soak in my brain.

This is so amazing, I just can't stress that enough.  I am so so grateful!   Thank you Brian for being so amazing and for being so supportive and patient throughout all of this.  I miss you!!

I must get going for now.  I apologize for no pictures, I forgot my USB cable in my room.  Will post them soon!!

love to all,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

And so it begins

I am here, OMEGA, such a beautiful campus!!
First things first, a massage! I have now booked one for each and every one of my days off . . . the body will need it.

Danae rode the VERY early train in and at the Rhinecliff station met a fellow Jivanmukta from San Diego!

Alright, I am off for now . . .I see people with books . . . I must go find them! Found them, found my manual, and found out who my mentor is . . . Jeffrey!! Yay!!

Thank you so much Jilly and Yogeswari, thank you both!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Taking the early train . . .

In 9 hours I will be boarding the train and I will be on my way to Rhinebeck NY to attend Jivamukti Teacher training at OMEGA.  Bags are packed, to-do list is checked off . . . I can't believe it's already here!!

The journey that has brought me to this point in time has been amazing.  It has been filled with unbelievable experiences and people (family, friends, and teachers).  Last night I had the opportunity to spend time with many of those people in an incredible evening on my rooftop. Food, friends, and love!

Thank you again so much for all the love, support, and encouragement to my beloved Brian, my teachers and inspirations: Jill, Agi, Cory, Alanna, Debra, Angela, and many, many more of the teachers that have blessed me with their teachings, and to all of my friends, fellow teachers, and students for whom I am here to serve.  

I am off to bed and when I wake up . . . let the journey continue forward towards the path of the Jivanmukta . . .